LCM Core Android
Package : com.denachina.lcm.sdk
Class : LCMSDK
Interface / Method | Parameters details | Note |
public static void init ( Activity activity, EventHandler eventHandler ) | activitySets the host activity to do this method.eventHandler Sets the instance that implement EventHandler interface. | Game developer has to call the method in "onCreate()" method of host activity. SDK keeps EventHandler instance into LCDSDK instance for sending SDK event notification any time. |
public static void resume ( Activity activity ) | activitySets the host activity to do this method. | Game developer has to call the method in "onResume()" method of host activity. In the method, SDK tries to get/update access token from LCD server. And, SDK does the following things in the first call of this method.
Also, SDK starts the timer of a task to update access token. |
public static void pause ( Activity activity ) | activitySets the host activity to do this method. | Game developer has to call the method in "onPause()" method of host activity. In the method, SDK tries to update access token if the token is in the app. About detail flow to update token, please see here. And, SDK stops the timer of a task to update access token. |
public static User getCurrentUser () | Gets the User object of the current session. The current user's LCM data | |
public static void getAllUserIds ( Activity activity, OnGetAllUserIdsComplete onGetAllUserIdsComplete ) | activity Sets the host activity to do this method. onGetAllUserIdsComplete Callback of the getAllUserIds. | Get all UserId on the device. |
public static void getAccessToken () | Gets the access token of the current session. Access The user's LCM access token, or null if the current session is invalid | |
public static String getSDKVersion () | Gets the current version of the installed LCM SDK The version number as String | |
public static boolean isSandbox () | Determines if your application is connecting to LCM's "sandbox" or "production" environment Your application can specify which environment to use through the "conf/appinfo.json" settings file. | |
public static void resetUser( Activity activity, OnResetUserComplete onResetUserComplete ) | activity Sets the host activity to do this method. onResetUserComplete Callback of the resetUser. | Reset user and get a new user. NOTE:CP need to prevent users multi-clicking the button at the same time. |
public static void switchUser( Activity activity, String userId; OnSwitchUserComplete onSwitchUserComplete ) | activity Sets the host activity to do this method. userId The userId to be switched. onSwitchUserComplete Callback of the switchUser. | Switch the current user. |
public static void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ) | requestCode The same as the RequestCode return Android API onActivityResult. resultCode The same as the ReusltCode return Android API onActivityResult. data The same as the data return Android API onActivityResult. | Game developer has to call the method in "onActivityResult" method of host activity. |
public static void onNewIntent( Activity activity, Intent intent ) | activity Sets the host activity to do this method. intent From the Android API onNewIntent. | Game developer has to call the method in "onNewIntent" method of host activity. |
public static void onDestroy( Activity activity ) | activity Sets the host activity to do this method. | Game developer has to call the method in "onDestroy" method of host activity. |
public static void shouldBlockResume( boolean blockResume ) | blockResumeIf blockResume is TRUE, resume will do nothing.If FALSE, resume will updateSession|createSession. | Developer must call this function in Upgrade|Announcement callback to ensure the case that user switch the app to the background and front,the upgrade function behave right. |
public static void setAuthCode ( String authCode ) | authCodeIf authCode is not null , it will be used as a auth parameter. | Developer should call setAuthCode in EventHandler onActivation. |
public static boolean isFirstToLinkOrLoad () | Use this flag to decide whether link or load function should be done first. | |
public static String getAffcode () | Get affcode of the game | |
public static void logout() | If logout complete, onLogoutComplete will be called in event handler. | |
public static void checkAnnouncement() | Check whether announcement is exist. if exist, onAnnouncement will be called in event handler. | |
public static void setExtra( String event, String detail ) | event Such as createRole. detail Detail information of the event in json. | Upload extra event to server. Event ex: @"createRole" Detail ex: {"roleId":"123","roleName":"Eleric","server":"Booty Bay"} |
public static void recover( Activity activity, List<VCBundle> vcBundles ) | activity activity vcBundles List of all VCBundles. | This will recover the L balance while user have transactions that do not get L coin. If any transaction is recovered, the next time Wallet getBalance is called, L coin will be added. |
public static void showMenubar(Activity activity) | activity activity | Show menubar in the default postion, left-top |
public static void showMenubar(Activity activity, int postion) | activity activity postion menubar postion | Show menubar in the specified postion postion: 0: left-top 1: right-top 2: left-bottom 3: right-bottom |
public static void hideMenubar(Activity activity) | activity activity | hide the menubar |
public static void onConfigurationChanged(Activity activity, Configuration newConfig) | activity activity newConfig new configuration | Game developer has to call the method in "onConfigurationChanged" method of host activity. |
public static void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) | requestCode The same as the requestCode return Android API onRequestPermissionsResult. permissions the same as the permissions return Android API onRequestPermissionsResult grantResults the same as the grantResults return Android API onRequestPermissionsResult | when targetSdkVersion=23, Game developer has to call this method in "onRequestPermissionsResult" method of host activity. |
public static void login() | Do login function. onLoginComplete in EventHandler will be the callback. | |
public static void registerPermissions(Activity activity, Map<String, Boolean> permissionsMap, OnRegisterPermissionListener onRegiesterPermissionListener) | activity activity permissionsMap the permission which game need to do request for. the key is permission, the value is true or false to show if it is needed. onRegiesterPermissionListener when register permisson finished, it will be callback | CP needs to invoke the method when the game starts and the LCMSDK.init() & other initialize methods that game itself need should be invoked in the callback onRegiesterPermissionListener |
public static void additionalFunction(Activity activity, LCMAdditionalFunction additional) | activity activity additional the operation | The CP can call this method to perform additional operations. For example CP can call LCMSDK.additionalFunction(activity, LCMSDK.LCMAdditionalFunction.STORE_ACCOUNT_MANAGER) to open user center. LCMSDK.LCMAdditionalFunction enums: { STORE_ACCOUNT_MANAGER } |
public static boolean isUserNeedRealNameRegister(Activity activity) | activity activity | CP must call this method to check if the current user need to register Real Name. If returns true, the current user need to register real name, if returns false,do not. |
public static void doRealNameAuth(Activity activity, final OnRealNameListener callback) | activity activity callback when register real name complete,it will call back. | When CP gets that the current user need to register real name, CP should call this method to register real name. The current registers completely, CP will get the callback, and CP can do different things according to the result. |
Package : com.denachina.lcm.sdk
Interface : LCMSDK.OnRegisterPermissionListener
Interface / Method | Parameters details |
public void onRegisterPermissionsComplete ( String... permissionsDenied ) | permissionsDeniedpermissions that be rejected by user and non-essential permissions. |
Package : com.denachina.lcm.sdk
Interface : LCMSDK.EventHandler
Interface / Method | Parameters details |
public void onInitComplete( LCMInitializer lcmInitializer ) | lcmInitializer Sets LCMError here. according to lcmInitializer.getLcmError() to judge LCMSDK.init success or fail. if init success,invoke lcmInitializer.continueProcessing() and then do logic with game; if init failed,inform users and then re-invoke LCMSDK.init(); |
public void onSessionUpdate ( String accessToken, ) | accessTokenSets access token.user Sets user object. |
public void onSessionError ( LCDError error ) | errorSets LCM error object. |
public void onRemoteMessage ( String message, ) | messageSets the message value of remote notification API.extras Sets the extras value of remote notification API. |
public void onUpdate ( LCMUpdater updater ) | updaterHelp user to update App. |
public void onAnnouncement ( LCMAnnouncement announcement ) | announcementHelp user to show announcement. |
public void onActivation ( LCMActivation activation ) | activationIf the user need a code to auth , this will be called. |
public void onLogoutComplete( String extra ) | extraExtra info. |
Package : com.denachina.lcm.sdk
Interface : LCMSDK.OnGetAllUserIdsComplete
Interface | Parameters details | Note |
public void onComplete( List<IdBean> idBeanList, LCMError error ) | idBeanList long userId int status error
| The callback of the getAllUserIds. status: 0 for unactive 1 for active 2 for disable |
Interface | Parameters details | Note |
public void onComplete( User userBefore, User userAfter, String accessToken, LCMError error ) | userBefore The userId before reset.
The UserId after reset. accessToken The current accessToken. error
| The callback of the resetUser. |
Interface | Parameters details | Note |
public void onComplete( User userBefore, User userAfter, String accessToken, LCMError error ) | userBefore The userId before switch.
The UserId after switch. accessToken The current accessToken. error
| The callback of the switchUser. |
Package : com.denachina.lcm.sdk
Interface : LCMSDK.OnRealNameListener
Interface | Parameters details | Note |
public void onComplete(String result, LCMError error) | result The result of registering real name. error
| When error is null, means that the user registers real name successfully, now the result is JSON-FORMAT String object. Otherwise, there is an error occurred, CP can distinguish different errors by error.getErrorCode(), and now the result is null. |
Package : com.denachina.lcm.sdk
Class : LCMError
Interface / Method | Parameters details | Note |
public int getErrorCode() | errorCode is from LCM server | |
public String getErrorMessage() | errorMessage is from LCM server | |
Package : com.denachina.lcm.sdk
Class : LCMInitializer
Interface / Method | Parameters details | Note |
public void continueProcessing() | continue doing some logic with LCMSDK. | |
public LCMError getLcmError() | LCMError when LCMSDK.init() went wrong. |
enum / Method | code | Note |
STORE_ACCOUNT_MANAGER | 0 | open user center |
public int getCode() | gets the enum's code |